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How to know when did your facebook account was accessed illegally

Yes many times we feel that somebody has accessed our account, this point is so important that it can destroy somebody’s life, because all the secrets will be revealed, but what if you will be able to know whether somebody has accessed or not, from where he has accessed and on which type of machine or device he has accessed and additionally you can see the date and time and destroy his session at any time. No I am not going to introduced you any software here again but this is in the settings of your facebook account, what you have to do is just go and check it.

Steps to follow to know who has accessed your account

  • ·         Login to your facebook account.
  • ·         Go to settings.
    Go to Facebook settings
  • ·         Switch in to security settings.
    click on Security
  • ·         See where you’re logged in.

·         You will get these options –Current Session, Desktop, Mobile Browser, Facebook for Android, other.

             In each section you will get these details

where you are logged in
Last Accessed: the last date and time you accessed.
Device Name: the device from which you have accessed.
Location: the city, state and country from where you have accessed.
Device Type: the type of device from which you have accessed.
                                                                    In this way you should check all the session details and identify the particular session, which you think is doubtful and further by clicking on the particular End Activity link in the front of a particular session which you think is doubtful, you can end that activity or session or you can click on End All Activity to end all the sessions, in this way you can protect your account from the hackers.

                                 Trusted Browsers

trusted browsers

                                                Facebook is a very secure social website which saves the browsers as trusted whenever you logged in, if anybody login first time login into your account which is not listed in you trusted browsers list, it will send you a confirmation link to confirm that it is you, otherwise it will say please change your password.

                                  Login Notifications

login notifications

                               Further you can turn on the login notifications, which will send you a message through email or text message to your verified phone number. This is the best way to keep your account safe.

                                   Trusted Contacts

trusted contacts

                            You will have to choose at least three trusted friend’s contact who will help you if you will get locked outside of your account, may be this can happened because of suspicious activity from that person who had illegally accessed your account. So in that case facebook will send some secret code to your trusted contacts and they will tell you that code to you and then you will have to enter that code to successfully enter into your account, but hey don’t forget to give special thanks to your friends. That is why it has been said that – “Every friend is important in your life”, and after this incident you will believe in this line and you will love your friends more than you love before this incident.


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