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Jelly Fish’s enemy by KAIST : Jellyfish terminator


It’s true that we love to see jelly fish with our naked eyes, because they are transparent and they looks very beautiful but what if they create a big problem for nuclear power submarines?
                                                             A jellyfish bloom can cause a submarine to completely shut down it's system due to system failure, there are many incidents around the world when developed countries had faced the problems because of the  jellyfish  blooms when their submarines which are  extremely powerful got shut down just because of jelly fish, but hey it’s not a  normal problem it’s the  part  of daily routine, because the jelly fish create problems every day for  navy of different countries. They normally create problem in cooling system  of nuclear submarines.
                                                       Robots are there  to protect us, i have shared many  updates where  robots have solved many problems by cleaning your floor, gutters, swimming pool and toilets  etc but at this time they are acting as a jelly fish terminator in the middle of the sea just for our navy so that our country’s multi million submarines can do their work for our protection.
                                                   Daejeon, South korea’s scientists from Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(KAIST) have developed these extra ordinary robots known as Jellyfish Elimination Robotic Swarm(JEROS), which will float in the sea water and will slice the jellyfishes to protect against the threat of shut down. Further it can slice or kill the 2000 pounds of jellyfish while travelling at the speed of 4.6 miles per hour.

                      Strategy of jellyfish Terminator


                                            You know that group work is more efficient then individual work and absolutely KAIST’s jellyfish terminators do all the work in group, the strategy is they identify the jellyfish from their camera and the leader make a path to destroy them and share that path with other robots via wireless communication so that they can follow the same path to kill all the jelly fishes together, and i tell you this strategy works so fine and effectively.
                                                      It actually has a net of sharp blades in the front of propeller, and when the propeller starts it actually try to grab the jelly fish thus it slices the jellyfish through the blades, if there is only one fish then the leader or any individual would take care of it but if there is a group of jelly fish then the whole group will follow the leader and will take care of the jelly fishes.        

Image source:                   


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