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Smart Fork for happy eating: Happy fork


                                                        As my site's name is Technology eater, we have an article for you about technology and eating both so enjoy eat.  All the Gadget geeks today we will talk about a gadget which will take care of your eating habits, I have already shared with you some gadgets that really cares about your health, today I will tell you about a gadget which will measure or I should say monitor your eating habits because it is the most important factor for our good health, now we all know that how our eating habits are responsible for our healthiness, HAPIfork is not a normal fork that you use in your daily routine, because it has sensors that are able to monitor  your eating habits. What it will do is – it will measure the time that you take to finish your meal, interval between fork serving (the time you take between every piece of your meal) , time at which you  have taken your meal.  Other then this I have to tell you it is product of and it has won  Innovations Design and Engineering Award by CES. Now it becomes easy to take care of your health with these amazing gadgets announced every day so happy eating. Price is only 100 USD.

                                                         Eating habits that can harm your health
When we eat too fast either because of pressure of work or habit, that food actually harms our body, that’s why our parents told us to eat slowly because the fast swallowing of food means you have not used your teeth much to chew your food, so it will be little hard for your stomach to digest it with an ease, eat can create acidity problems further also.

                                                                  The specs are as follows 

  • Length is 7.87 inch
  • Weight is 0.14 pounds
  • Height is 2 or 3 inches
  • Width is 1 inch

                                     Happy fork (HAPIfork) can do  all these things  
  • You can share all the data with your community or trainer by extracting all the data from micro USB port or even with Bluetooth. 
  • It will warn you with little vibration when you will start eating fast which is bad for health as doctors says. 
  • The speed of eating is right or not.
  • Monitor the time you have taken the food, time was right or not.

                                                         You can see  all the stats on

  • Android app, iphone App, Windows App.
  • The’s  online Dashboard.



  1. nice one, it seems that in future nobody will be worry about unhealthy eating habits, because of this smart fork, thanks for the post

    1. thanks anil for your comment, keep in touch


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