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New mobile operating Systems: Tizen and Firefox OS

                                                Welcome to the world of ever changing market of mobiles and their operating systems ,1.5 decades ago in many countries around the world were unaware of what the mobile is ,then we come with the idea of taking a mobile phone in our pocket and we were able to talk with anybody with an ease it was first invented only for military operations in 1918  and now it has become the need of our daily life so nice .
                              But in this decade we have seen a lots of development in cellular industry and one by one launch of exciting ideas by telecom companies and new operating systems ,here is the idea of two new operating systems by one major of telecom industry with the valuable cooperation of other partners and one who is famous for most favourite browser by many people in this world .Those two majors are -
  1. Linux Foundation, Tizen Association, Samsung, Intel (Launching Tizen in few months).

  2. Mozilla Corporation
    (Launching Firefox operating system).

                                               FireFox OS

                                 The Majortarget of Firefox OS is , to be run on a low quality phone also with the low cost possible ,the idea of firefox was to reach to the most of the people of the world to provide the internet connectivity with the minimum cost and minimum data usage as possible the main features of firefox OS are-
  1. Can be run on low quality hardware phones also .
  2. Most of the apps can be developed on simple desktop on any operating system which can run firefox browser.with the help of HTML5.
  3. The most excellent feature is ,with the low data usage as possible ,you can view the dynamic preview of the apps ,means you can run the app on the phone before actually downloading ,then if you like it you can keep it or later discard it .
  4. You can see the maps also with nokia maps .
  5. Any developer can give his/her own developed app to the users without using firefox market place.


                                    As we told you before it's still not fully developed yet ,but based on the prototype phone released under the branding of Samsung you can see some of the features like-
  1. It is based on Linux operating system.
  2. It will be available for every segment of prices like Galaxy series ,again no surprises.
  3. In it's prototye yet unlike Android home screen ,in which you you have an seperate App tray,in the prototype version of Tizen yet ,you have the apps on home screen ,but it's subject to change .
  4. In prototype you can click best shot also with 20 shots in rarely 1 second,which is quite impressiveBut camera interface looks much like the current android camera interface.
  5. With only one touch you will have access to the multi tasking of the phone . 
                                            Tizen is expected to release this september (2013) .
Lets compare these two-

Firefox OS
Company or developer
Linux Foundation,
Tizen Associaion,
Samsung ,Intel
Mozilla Corporation
Initial Release(Not  in Market but for development purpose )

January 5, 2012
April 23, 2013
Marketting Target
PCs, tablets, smartphones, 
GPS smartnav,
 in-vehicle infotainment,
 smart TV
Kernal Type
Monolithic (Linux)
Monolithic (Linux)
OS family
New of it’s type
Programmed in
HTML5 , c,c++
HTML5 , css,c++,javascript
Official Website
Supported platforms
 GPLv2, LGPL, 
Apache License, BSD,
 Flora License


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