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Power of Social media now reaches to the teenagers too

                                             Opening the doors

Facebook which has covered most of the population of the world and has taught the way to access the internet in the world ,if i am not wrong are you agree with me that in most developing countries ,the meaning of internet is facebook , now for most children , adults and teenagers the name facebook is like a b c d ,apart from the fact that it was not accessible to the teenagers yet , but it will be because facebook and linkedin have opened the door for the teenagers ,who have dreamed yet to be on social media ,will be now a
part of the social media, if their age is 14 years then the can join facebook and Linkedin both , because now a days it's not only the fun place ,but it's also works as a relaxing tool and far more then that a information database for most of the people ,daily news paper is use less when face book is there don't go anywhere stay here and enjoy.
                                     while Linkedin a standard professional network ,which was the social digital place only for the professional now teenagers will make it a home also for the betterment of their career ,while creating various communities their to communicate with each other just like their elder professionals have done till the date.


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