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Robot will do artwork on your wall:vertwalker


The days are gone when you would have to give penny to a human artist to put an art on your wall , now the day is here , a robotic artist set to find a way to give artwork to your wall ,an extremely intelligent vertwalker uses tha laws of artificial intelligence to draw a  design on your wall , and you will be amazed after watching it's creativity , which is the attribute of every artist.

               "What you have to do is just put it on the wall you wish after setting instructions to it and forget it , your work will be done  ". Certainly a new bench mark in the field of artificial intelligence.But it still a prototype and look after for further improvement . It's circular design lets it do artwork anything on the wall , it has a an arm with an weapon (crayon ) it it . it will crawl on the wall like a spider no matter how much long the wall is and because of the circular design it can turn and take a move according to it's needs .no matter how many turns ,will have to be taken by it to finally finish the artwork, it is in Exhibition RED NEVER FOLLOWS exhibition at the Saatchi Gallery from july 31 to 1 September 2013 in London.


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