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How to add other authors on your blog in blogger

If you are starting your blog alone then it’s good for starting that you work alone but when the workload will increase you will feel by time that you need lots of companions to help you writing the posts on your blog and it’s the best way of doing blogging business. If you have a blog on blogger platform then it is very easy for both of you and your companions to be present on the same blog at the same time, moreover you can write at the same time, no matter how far you are. This is a tutorial and complete guide that I am sharing with you to add multiple authors to your blog.
email invitation

        Steps to add multiple authors on your blog

  • First of all, login to your blogger account.

  • Click on the blog on which you want to add authors because the authors that you are adding, will give them rights to access only those blogs on which you are adding them.

  • Go to your settings as I am showing you in the figure.
    blogger settings page

  • On the main setting settings page you will get an option to add authors. You can enter as many email addresses of the authors you want to add, separated by comma or you will have the option to choose them from your contacts as shown in the figure below. This will send an email to all of them.

  • When they will open their email account it will direct them to the blogger’s website if they are not using Gmail account then it will prompt them to make one otherwise it will directly open their blogger’s account and will show your blog in their accounts. At any time that means before acceptance or after acceptance you can cancel their candidature by cancelling the invitations or by removing them after removal and they will get the message that the invitation is no longer exists or the blog will not shown to him.
    accept invitation

  • He will not get any option to edit your post or moderating your comments, this will be a limited access for him. He can post his own post only. There are two types of author account on blogger- admin and author, you can made multiple admin there, even you can make yourself a normal author, which means you will not be able to administrate your own blog because you will give admin rights to someone else.
    author account inner view

     Difference between author and admin access

With this author account, if he has not been made admin by you then he will neither be able to add or edit any type of meta tag nor be able to edit html, he can only write a post and he can’t do anything else but an admin can do anything whatever he wants.
making multiple admins

    How to be safe with multiple authors account?

My recommendation is that you should make authors only those persons whom you trust the most, adding a person who is jealous of your blog’s success can be dangerous for your blog because he can misuse this access by posting a low quality post and can even ruin your online reputation. There is no option provided by the blogger to finally check and publish the post only by admin this should be given by the blogger to us to increase the security in this case.

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