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Why and how to avoid spammy comments

Web is full of spams, spam means several thousands of copies of the same message delivered all over the internet which is irrelevant of the context or irrelevant to the receiver. Spams are very harmful for receiver and the spammer. Now let’s turn to our blogging world, spams in blogging means same comment which is irrelevant to the context posted on many blogs.
Avoid Spams

                                           Now here is the concern Google hates spams, because it directs user to the irrelevant content and from our itself looks irrelevant to the context. If you or your blog is involved in any such spammy activity, then you may be panelized by Google’s famous penguin, panda or any other algorithm because no matter whichever algorithm checks your blog one thing is same in all of them and that is they all hate spams.

                       Why spams are harmful

Spams waste time of the user and moreover they also increase your internet bills, they are completely advertisements over the internet thus which waste both time and money of the user. There are various methods to control or completely avoid such spammy activities on your blog which I am going to share here in this post.

                 Tips to avoid spams on your blog

  • Allow facebook, Google+ comments on your blog, this will completely solve your problem.

  • Enable Captcha on your blog, blogger by default supports that and for others there are various plugins on the internet through which you can avoid spammy comments on your blog.

  • Use comment moderation option, now on every comment you will receive a email in your inbox on your registered email address and after reading the comment and assuring that comment is not containing any type of spammy content you can approve or delete it to be appeared on your blog.

  • You can completely remove the commenting area from your blog, so that nobody can comment on your blog but remember one thing that Google loves comment conversations on any blog and ultimately if Google likes it then there is the need of comment conversation on your blog post to improve your ranking according to laws of SEO.

  • You can completely ban the uses of any type of link in the comment area, so that nobody can comment there a link to his/her blog, this will prevent your blog from getting harmed of any spammy comment.

  • There should be the name of the person itself not the commercial name of a particular company of blog. Well if there is only one link in the comment area with the name of the person in the form then it is acceptable but make it sure that it is nofollow. So that any link to a spammy website would not harm your blog.

  • Avoid submitting your blog to any directory before checking everything about it because today there are many spammy directories on the web. According to me DMOZ and Technorati are among some of the best blog directories on the web.

                                            Out of all these techniques, the best practice is use of default nofollow link and comment moderation, because today no one will comment on your blog without getting a link to his/her website. If you are using blogger then there are various ways to prevent your blog and in case of others you can you any good plugin.


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Please don't put spams in the comment area, i promise you that i will delete all the spams.