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How to create a problem steps file automatically on windows 7

Sometimes it may be difficult to describe the problem that you are facing to the customer support team, because customer support team can’t identify the problem quickly and tell it to the developer team. 
Problem Steps File
                                      So the only way left for you is to create a well formatted report for the developer team so that you can directly send it to the developer team and get your problem resolved and just think that if it can be made by itself without any difficulty? Yes it can be made automatically with description and there are very easy steps to create it. In this post I am going to describe all these steps one by one below. 

               Steps to create a problem steps file

  • Press on windows + R key together – At the desktop press windows + R together and then a run box will appear on the screen.
  • Type psr in the run box – Type psr in that run box, here psr means print screen. This is the second step in this process, after which problem steps recorder will appear.
    type psr in the run box
  • Click the recording button of problem steps recorder – Click the recording button on it and record by doing the same steps in which you are facing the problem, in this way you will record your activity in the problem steps recorder.
    click the start record button
  • During recording – It will record every steps or activity that you will do during the recording whether it is a click or any other activity.
    your activity will be shown on the screen with red dots during recording
  • Stop the activity and save the file – Press the stop recording button as shown in the snapshot and you will get the save file dialog box on the screen, give a name to the file and save it at any location you want. This will be a zip folder and you can save it anywhere, the real file will be inside it. It will automatically name the file which is inside this zip folder as Problem followed by a random number. This is an MHTML file and can be viewed in internet explorer.
    save the problem steps file

              The format of the Problem steps file

It has three parts that define the problem accurately. It can’t record any text or password that you type during recording the problem steps. It has three parts as –
  • Recorded Problem Steps –  This part contains links to every part of the document, it is like the table of content of the whole document.
    Recorded problem steps
  • Problem Steps – Well I have to tell you that all the problem steps are formatted as a slide show in this document with the snapshots and every snapshot has the next and previous link above it. You can view the slides as a slide show also.
    problem steps
  • Additional Details – This part will give the additional details of the problem steps as total number of steps, the full written detail of the activity or problem, where it has been performed or name of the document and name of the platform, operating system, missing steps and other errors.
    Additional Details

                                          In this way you can create your problem steps report very easily and it is very beneficial for everyone to create it, whenever he faces any type of software problem, so that instead of describing the whole problem on phone call, for which you can’t find the appropriate words to define, you can send this whole zip file in email and can get a reply directly from the company or any friend if he knows how to solve the problem. These steps are so easy that a kid can also make a problem steps file by following these simple steps. Finally you have a way to define your problem in front of others and the report is written in a very simple way that anyone can understand it.


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