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Why Google Adsense is so important and eye catching program

For any blogger it’s a dream to get approval from Google adsense, it is not only the ultimate and best way to earn money for a blogger but it also a way to monetize your blog in the way you want. Google has several customization settings, which can set the ads according to your need, even you can block ads from some urls to appear, no advertising program can offer you that much of freedom and revenue, it means Google adsense is the only way of getting extremely high income from your blog. There are many rumors about adsense on the web, because it is so important to keep up with google adsense. Few people spreads rumor about adsense and spoil the image of the adsense in the blogger’s mind. First of all I am going to describe few terms that you will see in your adsense account.
Google Adsense

                                                      One more thing many people complains about adsense ads shows the “adchoices arrow”, but this is normal now “adsense ads” are “adchoices ads”, so don’t worry about that it’s completely normal.

            Few important terms that adsense uses

  • Cost per Click(CPC) – It is the amount that the publisher(you) will get at every click but hey the thing what makes Google adsense is the revenue generated from each click is not certain, it may vary according to the advertiser which advertisement is showing up on your website. Adsense will automatically select which advertisement it should show on your blog post, according to the words used in your blog post, it doesn’t mean that you should use some special keywords, never do this because it will lead to termination of your adsense account.

  • Revenue per 1000 impression(RPM) – It is a ratio which is calculated as your earnings to number of views your page gets.
          RPM of a page = Your estimated total earnings/total page views.

  • Click through rate (CTR) – It is also a ratio which is described as no of clicks to number of page views.
          CTR = Number of clicks/ Number of page views
  • Cost per thousand impressions (CPM)  - It is for blogs having very high traffic, if your blog can generate 1000 impression for a particular ad unit then you will get paid for each appearance of advertiser’s ad.

              Some important features of Adsense

  • It is entirely made for the high profit of both publisher and advertiser, so it’s rules and regulations are very strict, a publisher should not use illegal practice to increase his revenue, adsense can easily track these illegal practices remember CTR is the way to find that type of dishonest behavior of any user or reader of the website, if CTR goes up from a particular region then it is called as invalid clicks and you should report adsense immediately and remove ads. There is a special form dedicated for this type of reporting generated by adsense.

  • To make that you will get enough revenue from your blog Adsense uses it’s intelligence to show up the most relevant ads to the user or reader, to achieve this amazing intelligence google offers you a set of beautiful ad blocks that have options text or image, that means they will show text to some users while image banners to others, this amazing feature is offered by adsense only.

  • There is a competition between the advertisers who show CPC and CPM advertisements, but don’t worry adsense is so intelligent that it will make sure that you will always get maximum revenue per click, so it will choose best ad to be shown on your blog whether it is CPC or CPM.  

                                                               At last I want to say that when adsense blessed me by approving my request, I was so happy and on the next day I got the revenue more than the revenue that I used to get from other programs. To use adsense throughout your life and to earn a handsome revenue from this you have to watch out the Google adsense analytics and check CTR on the regular basis, If CTR goes up from any particular area then immediately remove all your ads and report adsense immediately.                                   


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