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Helios can transform a normal bike into a smart bike

After the invention of motorbikes the uses of our traditional normal bikes has been reduced considerably, but still they are known as the ultimate way to stay fit and burn your calories. I personally have a bike which I maintain regularly, but listen this is the era of modernization and everything from phone to home is becoming smart, so why not a normal bike can be?
The Helios Bars
                                                       The simple answer of this question is Helios bars, these bars are so smart that they can do all the smart things for you. The price is nothing if we compare it with the features the Helios bars offer us. From navigation to simple lighting and from Bluetooth to GPS Tracker, the Helios can offer you them all. With this amazing gadget you can explore many things. Now let’s take a look at the type of bars that Helios offers and the features of Helios.             
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Shower with friends game will save water

While reading the title of this post you may be already thinking that I am going to encourage you that you should go to your friend’s home and take a shower with them being united at one place, but that is not the thing that I am going to tell you here, but I am going to tell you about a technology that will actually help you and your friends to save water.
Shower with friends is winner of Tech Crunch Disrupt

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Kegbot meausres your beer consumption

This is the post for those people who consume beer too much, this is the problem of whole world and they have no tool to stop this. Here I am going to share the information about a gadget named as kegbot, which will not only measure your beer mugs (how many you have already filled with beer) but also it will enable you to compare with your friends to identify the top drinker. This project is running since 2003 and since then it is being improved in accuracy as well as features.
Kegbot Kegerator interface
                                                      Kegbot is a combo of both hardware and software as well. It has sensors which will pass the information to your app which is installed in your tablet and also an online database, using which you can compare yourself with others. Lets have a look at the Kegbot’s features and how it can be used.

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Cubify Sense 3D Scanner will let you capture anything in 3D

Few days back I had shared with you a post about gadget called as Structure 3D sensor, which will fit around your iPad and let you capture the world in 3D, you can see that post here – Structure 3D Sensor scans and understands our world, but today the thing is different I am going to share about a device with which you don’t need any phone to capture anything because it is capable of capturing the world in 3D without the help of any other device, you just need to take care about the storage, other things will be managed by it.
Cubify Sense 3D scanner

                                  Cubify Sense 3D scanner is an amazing blend of compatible design and 3D scanning. You can take it with you anywhere and it will do the nice job for you. I am going to share some amazing features of it here, as I love to do about every tech product.
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Structure 3D Sensor scans and understands our world

We all click the photos several times everyday, we also upload our pictures on social media platforms frequently and people like them also. Today in this world there are many people around you who like to click a selfie and upload it but how many of them click it in real 3D? yes, now technology allows us to take the photos and make our devices actually understand the photos, our devices will know that where the boundary of one object is closing and the boundary of other object is starting and also you can play with your pictures.
Scanning the head of a person with structure scanner

                                   This new invention’s name is Structure 3D sensor (a 3D scanner), which can be fitted on the head of your iPad, hey wait this post is not only for apple product users but android and windows product users can also take advantage of this sensor, don’t worry I am going to explain about this amazing gadget below briefly as always I use to do. 
Structure 3D Sensor attached on an iPad
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Gesture Works Gameplay lets you design your controls

We all play games and they are the part of our life, they are our friends and our true companion. With the evolution of smart phones and tablets, their involvement in our life has been increased. Few days ago in our childhood we used to play games on our desktop computers, then the evolution of laptops had allowed us to play games on them and now it’s time for our smart phones and tablets.  
GestureWorks Gameplay
                                           But what if I want to play games on my tablet and the controls provided by the game are not suitable for me? The answer is I will design my controls for me and i will have independence to design them all according to my own taste. Gesture Works Game Play is the app that will let you build your own control on the go. I am defining all the features of this app here in this post, you can take a look at these features.
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How to create a problem steps file automatically on windows 7

Sometimes it may be difficult to describe the problem that you are facing to the customer support team, because customer support team can’t identify the problem quickly and tell it to the developer team. 
Problem Steps File
                                      So the only way left for you is to create a well formatted report for the developer team so that you can directly send it to the developer team and get your problem resolved and just think that if it can be made by itself without any difficulty? Yes it can be made automatically with description and there are very easy steps to create it. In this post I am going to describe all these steps one by one below. 
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Osmo merges the real and digital games for kids

Kid’s toys are not only for play, they are the ladders for their mind to reach a level of creativity. The creativity is very important for kids and it should be developed in kids because without this a kid can’t become intelligent.

                                          Today everyone wants his kids to be creative but everyone thinks that the only way to make his kids creative is to give them smart phone, tablet or make them sit in front of a laptop or desktop. Well this is not the true, physical world experience can’t be get from the virtual world, so let your kids experience the beauty of a puzzle game, word game and other type of small games physically. Hey, but what if we can merge the physical and the virtual world with each other? OSMO is the answer, this is a gadget based game system. OSMO is developed by former Googlers and I am going to tell you about this amazing product in detail today in this post.
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Wowwee MIP robot which has GestureSense Technology

Few days back I had shared about wowwee robome, which is a toy robot that can be controlled by Apple iphone mobile app. Wowwee is a company which is continuously involved in making high-tech robot toys that can sense, respond and also be controlled by remote given with them or a mobile app. Today, I am going to share about MIP made by the same company. Wowwee MIP can change your kid’s life and intelligence level.
Wowwee MIP front view
                                  There are few many more robots available at retail stores made by wowwee, you can check them too, but I am going to share here about the newest one. It's most admired features are GestureSense, dance mode, free roam, tricks  mode and its immersive personality make it different from the others.

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How to make youtube video with youtube video manager

Making YouTube video and sharing it with people may increase your business but most of us think that it is a quite tedious job and we wish that somebody should do this job for us. Is this really that much difficult to make your own video these days? The answer is no, it has become so easy to make your own video for your business’s promotion in a right manner.
Make your own YouTube video with YouTube Video Manager

                                       Still many people think that they should have a deep knowledge of some video editing tool for making an YouTube video and but it has become so easy with the tool provided by YouTube named as video manager, which can easily handle all these tedious job on its own and it leaves you with a quite joyful experience that you will have after watching your own video which were made without use of any tedious software.

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How to add other authors on your blog in blogger

If you are starting your blog alone then it’s good for starting that you work alone but when the workload will increase you will feel by time that you need lots of companions to help you writing the posts on your blog and it’s the best way of doing blogging business. If you have a blog on blogger platform then it is very easy for both of you and your companions to be present on the same blog at the same time, moreover you can write at the same time, no matter how far you are. This is a tutorial and complete guide that I am sharing with you to add multiple authors to your blog.
email invitation


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Improve performance of your blog with Social bookmarking

Social sharing is a very important part of blogging, a blogger simply can’t escape from it. The way you share it is also very important, because if you are doing blogging these days then you must have to be act as a complete business man. Way of presentation, your language in your post, pictures these are all the things which should be kept in mind while publishing any post in the ocean of the internet.
Importance of social bookmarking
                                   Yes, I am describing this world of internet as an ocean where lots of websites and data are floating and the people come here for trapping a good quality fish (the information they need), they put some words in the search engine and get the right fish. Google is the God of this ocean who decides which fish you are going to get in your search.
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Why and how to avoid spammy comments

Web is full of spams, spam means several thousands of copies of the same message delivered all over the internet which is irrelevant of the context or irrelevant to the receiver. Spams are very harmful for receiver and the spammer. Now let’s turn to our blogging world, spams in blogging means same comment which is irrelevant to the context posted on many blogs.
Avoid Spams
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Why Google Adsense is so important and eye catching program

For any blogger it’s a dream to get approval from Google adsense, it is not only the ultimate and best way to earn money for a blogger but it also a way to monetize your blog in the way you want. Google has several customization settings, which can set the ads according to your need, even you can block ads from some urls to appear, no advertising program can offer you that much of freedom and revenue, it means Google adsense is the only way of getting extremely high income from your blog. There are many rumors about adsense on the web, because it is so important to keep up with google adsense. Few people spreads rumor about adsense and spoil the image of the adsense in the blogger’s mind. First of all I am going to describe few terms that you will see in your adsense account.
Google Adsense

                                                      One more thing many people complains about adsense ads shows the “adchoices arrow”, but this is normal now “adsense ads” are “adchoices ads”, so don’t worry about that it’s completely normal.

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Small MOSS robots will enable you to construct anything

You already know that I love to write about robots but this one is really different from others, if you love your kids, then I must tell you it’s really necessary to enhance the creativeness of your kids. MOSS robots, a robot construction system developed by Modular Robotics gives the freedom to give any type of shape to the robots. Normally robotics requires a lot of programming and wires to construct but amazingly these MOSS robots don’t need them.
MOSS modular robots before construction

                                                     These modules can be joined with magnets, which are embedded at the sides of each block and small steel balls are used to make joints of the robots. The power and control signals can go through these steel balls which are used to add the magnets and because of these steel balls the joints of the robots can move easily.
MOSS modular robots before construction

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Steps to publish a post on your blog

I love blogging, I feel good while writing on some technical topic and get paid for it, because it takes only 1 hour to post on your blog and sharing it on every corner of social media, and you earn handsome money for it, that’s so exciting, but you know behind the curtain how many steps involved in this whole process?
                                                         Well blogging is the synonym of hard work, how much it looks simple to you, actually it’s not that simple. Today the competition is very high and a blogger has to produce good quality original content everyday to generate enough traffic to his blog, the generation of new ideas is also not that easy it involves creativity and lots of thinking. When we publish a single post in a right manner it involves a lots of steps before actually publish the post and sharing it and I am going to share the same steps here for you, so that new bloggers can be benefited.

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Few Amazing Google Apps which can change your world

Google is a part of our daily life, it not only assures it with it’s amazing search engine which is unbeatable by its counterparts but also by several services which gives users a pleasure of using such a good technology at very easy steps, some of these are Google drive,  Gmail, Google alerts, Google docs, Google forms and many more.
Google Play
                                                   These services not only influence our daily lives in a very effective way but also makes easy our daily office work. There are few services about which we know but also there are few about which we are still unaware, as I mentioned the 2 step verification in one of my post, this is the best example of secure web emails, not only many businessmen secure their Gmail accounts with this but also the normal people get advantages of this security feature. Google has many android apps and services which are deeply related with solving our daily life’s problems, these are few android apps about which still many people are unaware. I am mentioning few apps here today in my this article, I hope you all will like them.
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How to set logon screen wallpaper without any software on windows7

We set wallpapers to show our attitude in front of others when we use our computer, many times students compete in searching and setting a trendy wallpaper, I have to say wallpapers are not only the background of our desktop pc or laptops, but they are the part of our life, today there are bunch of websites from where you can download your favorite wallpapers, there is nothing special in setting wallpaper of your desktop but if I tell you to please set your login screen wallpaper without using any type of software ?
                                                 Yes, there are some utility and system maintenance software in the market using which you can set your login screen wallpaper as Tune Up Utilities, but I am telling here about a method through which you can set your login screen wallpaper without using any type  of software.

         Steps to change your login screen wallpaper

  • Click on start button and search regedit and click “regedit.exe”.
search for regedit in startup menu

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How to create Google custom search for your website and organization

Google has become a part of our life, on laptop, pc or on our mobile phones we search the web using Google’s search engine, we also use Google’s products frequently, the reason why Google has become so popular is its ability to grab the new features according to the needs of the users. Similarly it has blessed us with Google custom search, using which you can search through few websites (selective search), you can also give your name to the search which looks cool and you can make it your home page too, some big companies are using Google’s this incredible service with enhanced features within their organization.

       Steps to follow to make your own search engine

  • Open and search “Google custom search” or go directly to the url -
    search google custom search

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How to know when did your facebook account was accessed illegally

Yes many times we feel that somebody has accessed our account, this point is so important that it can destroy somebody’s life, because all the secrets will be revealed, but what if you will be able to know whether somebody has accessed or not, from where he has accessed and on which type of machine or device he has accessed and additionally you can see the date and time and destroy his session at any time. No I am not going to introduced you any software here again but this is in the settings of your facebook account, what you have to do is just go and check it.

Steps to follow to know who has accessed your account

  • ·         Login to your facebook account.
  • ·         Go to settings.
    Go to Facebook settings
  • ·         Switch in to security settings.
    click on Security
  • ·         See where you’re logged in.

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Exciting way to make your blog socially interactive: AddThis Widgets

For a blog to be successful it’s social widgets are important because widgets gives the ease of sharing and ease of connectivity to the pages dedicated to that blog. There are many benefits of it, as these widgets will let the user easily share your post and this will increase your traffic surely because the basic idea of sharing is spreading once thought to the others and let them decide that this topic is of their interest or not, next if people like your post at any social network then it gives some advantage to your blog ranking too, that is why famous bloggers encourage social sharing and social connectivity through these widgets.
addthis logo

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My List of 10 Most Amazing Games

Whether you are an adult or a kid, it is true that everyone loves to play games, but there are some games that we want to play again and again, the reason behind their popularity is their beauty, tricks to follow, theme, style, and difficulty of the game. I have played many games from my childhood till now but there are only few games that I can say are close to my heart, the reason of their popularity among the users  are the same as I described above. The games that I am going to list are among those games but their serial can’t be considered as a rank, so I am again clearing that It doesn’t mean that the game at the first position is better than the second or third, they are just the list of games that I think and in most of the cases I found them popular among the people.
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How to add an additional security in your gmail account with 2-step verification

Today we are more concerned about the security of our online bank accounts, email accounts, face book accounts, but do you have any solution to this problem? Yes there are many solutions as described by experts to make your passwords complicated, don’t login on any computer which is publicly accessible, don’t click the checkbox remember me by mistake on a public computer and use virtual keyboard as much as possible, never login in front of other person.
                           Banks have already provided the solution for this problem and that is OTP (One Time Password) which is sent to your registered mobile number and by entering that password you can successfully complete your transactions, so simple, secure and easy solution to a very complicated problem, can this type of solution be implemented to an email service also? Yes Gmail has made it possible to enjoy this type of security option and this post is basically a tutorial which is intended to tell you the steps to implement that additional security to your gmail account.
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Smart Phone's internal memory is Full Why?

                With those android mobiles which has less internal memory, the main problem is the user of these mobiles will get a message soon that there mobiles has very less memory so it cannot store a particular file or photo or open a photo.

WhatsApp Folder
                 The real problem starts when we even don’t know from where we are getting the shortage of the memory, even we have transferred all the videos, photos and files to the external sd card, than why I am getting the message that it has shortage of memory, well there are many files in your phone’s internal memory which you have to clean or delete if you want to free up your memory.

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New Way to Edit documents: Polaris Office 4.X Android App


Polaris Office 4.0 Horizontal Front view
 Android smart phone provides the facility to open any type of document by default, it is a blessed feature of an smart phone that you can open and read any document on the go but what if an app enables you to edit any word, excel, PowerPoint document of Microsoft office on the go in a very fancy way? Yes today we are with solution to this problem now you can edit your office documents on the go, what you have to do is just transfer them in your phone or tablet and edit it on the go with Polaris Office 4.0  the new app with a very fancy look and presentation style.

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Vapourlites gives several exciting ways for vaping

                           “Because smoking is very addictive habit you can’t get rid of smoking in a day, the best way to get rid out of this is just use of electronic cigarettes”.
                            Today is the day when we are going to discuss about a product which can actually save you from the harms of smoking, we all know smoking is very injurious to health, but what if anyone is habitual of it and can’t leave smoking?

                            A Great Britain based company vapourlites comes with a solution in the world of people who don’t want to smoke anymore but love the feeling of smoking and that is vapor, a new term that has given enough relief to the people who don’t want to get harmed with their smoking habits but want to get only the feeling of smoking (which is now called as vaping ).

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