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How to secure yourself from data theft

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Hi there, today I want to share something of which many of us still unaware, let me ask you have you ever searched your name on google or, there may be lots of information about you on the internet, which can be used against you, this information mainly comes from the forms which you fill on various sites, whether it’s facebook, twitter, linkedin or any other website, if you made it public, sharing information like phone number,email,address,photo of yourself can be dangerous in some conditions, in a case if you do not give your address at any site but still share your mobile number then you also can be founded by using your number from telecom department, I will give you some points about how to secure your self from this situation-

  • Few features of facebook allows you to secure your account from unauthorized access as saving web browser entry at the time of login, it will save your computer’s browser information as well as location while login from some other places rather then your usual one, it will also inform you the by email the time of login, location and web browser used for login.  

  • True factor Authentication allows you to apply extra security layer on your account it will send you and authentication on your registered mobile number to enter every time you login, so it’s impossible that anybody else can login by simply using your password, if you want it will save your computer’s information and will not ask you if you login on the same computer but if if you will login using different computer then you will be unable to login without entering that code sent on your mobile phone.
  •  It’s very difficult to use different passwords for different sites every time, it’s hard to remember all the passwords, but it’s necessary though because in case of only one password for every site the security theft will be very easy for every one because hacker will need to steal only one password, for this you can do one thing use microsoft office word or excel and enter your passwords one by one then password protect that file itself by one password and save it on your computer, you can open it later to read passwords of different sites. You can also use LastPass, it’s very easy way to manage your all passwords, it’s a computer software to manage your all passwords. 
  • If you don’t want to show anyone your browsing history then simply use this feature –PRIVATE BROWSING,  now a days almost every browser comes with this feature, yes it saves your cookies, temporary files, browsing history but as soon as you close the browser window it will delete all the stuffs.

  • Use device passwords and sim passwords on your mobile, so that if anyone will steal it after battery drains and switching off the mobile he will not be able to use your sim card and for a little time your phone, it will be better to install apps which will tell you about your mobile location at any time in case of theft, so that you can reach to your phone, and by sending an sms you can lock your phone and wipe the data on it.

1 comment:

  1. very nice article you have explained each end every point beautifully


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