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Understanding Superb Ipv6 features

Those who are using Internet they should know about Ipv4 and Ipv6 our father and grand father at there time were using Ipv4 addresses form few years Ipv6 is in action , after Windows Vista some of us already using Ipv6 , and we still unaware of this ,so what is Ipv6 ??

                                                I tell you what the basic mechanism with which you use facebook , twitter , mailing every day , do you know ?? behind the scene what computer is doing for You ??
                   You are using everything and every day with the help of Open System Interconnection(OSI) With 7 layers, from the top to bottom till the hardware layer they are-
  • Application layer
  • Presentation layer
  • Session layer 
  • Transport Layer 
  • Network Layer 
  • Data Link Layer 
  • Physical Layer

                             How Ipv6 is different from Ipv4

                         Now how all this works in simple language is  application layer takes the data chunk from your application pack it in a Packet Adding a header in the front  with some technical information in it ,and it reaches to Physical layer then it transmits it ,at the other hand physical layer receives and unpacks the data give it to the upper layer and at the end it reaches to application layer.
                        The basic Ipv4 packet contains only a header and data section.While Ipv6 contains few new changes in the header section and absolutely while Ipv4 addresses were of 32 bit , ipv6 addresses are of 128 bits ,some of the features are-
  1. Larger address space Which is the need of the organisations ,because the Internet uses in the whole world is increasing day by day.Ipv4 contains 4 octet parts of address, while Ipv6 contains 8 parts of Hexadecimal numbers.
  2. Better formatted header offers separated options from the base header where several options information were a part of the ipv4 addresses ,here the options sections has been separated really.and they absolutely optional means they provide option to the router to add information or leave it ,because most of the time , routers don't need to edit it simply.Better security and support then the previous Ipv4 addresses.
  3. Better Support for video and audio because type of service  field is not there in the ipv6 but flow label is there to support these features. 
  4. Flexible Structure supports if any application or technology needs to add more information. 
  5. Ipv6 has few new options also.
  6. Unlike Ipv4 you don't have to use sub net mask there in Ipv6 because by default -
    The first 48 bits - network prefix
    The next 16 bits - Sub net Id
    The next 64 bits - interface id 
  7. While setting DNS Records if have ever set it ,you have noticed you have to add some 
    A- Records there to configure your domain name service , Now if it is Ipv6 address
    you have to set Quad A-Records to set it .

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