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Unstable prices of technologies what to do???

                                               Day By day we experience that when we  bought any gadget at any price few days later it becomes more cheaper , the problem is if we want to sell that product no one will buy that product from us on price greater then it's existing price at that time, it's the biggest problem for the technology geeks like us , this is not the problem this is actually a law from the great mind that i have to tell you now  have you heard about Moore???

                               This Law was given by greatest company's founder Gordon E. Moore in his 1965 paper.The Law was about the computer hardware that he observed and that Law was -"The number of components in integrated circuits will be doubled every year ",in my own words i would describe it like this- the data that can be stored on a hardware piece will become greater over the years and the price will become less.
                        He was so true with his words because today every great technology is becoming cheaper and small in size day by day and most of the time we feel shameful when our friend says that -"Hey for how much price you have bought your price  ???? ,you know what i have bought the same phone this Saturday at nearly half of the price " and here it is where we got stuck ed,the most embarrassing moment that we have ever felt yet , now lets see the symptoms of this on the customer's mind-

1. There are more and more cheap quality phone gaining momentum ,because of this problem   ,because every one knows that a phone will not last for ever ,then why have to buy such expensive phone.  When they will also be broke down in couple or three years , because many touch screen phones may show problems in their touch screens on average after 2 or 3 years.Then buy a low quality phone with cheaper price ,greater configuration and low quality hardware and sell it in a year or two.

2. People wait for coming the prices down to a level and become a expert in saying when and how much the price may go down and i will buy only at that price at that time only , on the result of which they choose another phone after that period and their favourite phone says -" You flirt you leave me for that phone ".

                              Now the things are simple if company is planning to launch another phone in coming days then it is sure it will launch it with better configuration then other phones in it's
segment and better price then others in competition if any other launches another phone with same or lower price it will surely down it's prices to compete with it and it will reduce the prices , after that it will launch a new phone with better configuration then others and same or greater price then the previous one , for selling this new product it will have to down the prices of the previous phone it's obvious.I am also suffering with the same problem here ,i have bought a phone which price is nearly half then it's launching price ,now here is the problem if i will sell it i will loose nearly 70% of the price on which i have bought it.

                             Only option to control your loss is buy the phone as late as possible or buy a cheaper quality hardware phone with better configuration in the market and when your favourite
phone prices come down sell your existing phone and buy new one.



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