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Understanding About Plagiarism

                      Plagiarism Checker Tools

                                            You  know that web is  full of  content there  are  lots of knowledge on the  web that some  people just by study web  materials pass the exam , but it's wrong to copy any  body's content right ???, this copying the  material is  called Plagiarism  and checking that  if  content have  been copied Plagiarism checking , the  tools used  for  this cause  are called plagiarism checker  tools , now  i  have to tell you why  plagiarism is wrong -

  1. From the moral point of view it's wrong to  copy any body's content  ,which  he has  made with  is own hard work  to  make money  and for the welfare  of the society who  needs it..
  2.  The  second  thing is if you  copy  anybody's content then he can claim on you  that you  you  have copied his hard work .
  3. The search  engine would not be happy with the duplicate  content , and would list  you  in it's black list ,the consequences of being in blacklist is , your website will not be able to  gain  a good rank in   search engine's search results.
  4. Reader will identify you by the content , if they also read that content , but in lack of knowledge they will be unable to identify that actually who has copied.

                                 Technical Stuff

                                                 Now lets go further to the technical stuff of all this process , so lets see how all of this technically works -
  • Some plagiarism checker tools automatically detects at a period that if any duplicate content has been posted on the internet matching to your content , you just have to make an account and register your url in it., and it will detect all the content posted on the  web at any particular time .
  • if you check manually it checks on the web for any matching phrases , you see word are every where , they can't be considered as copied but , if they check for whole sentences or phrase if they have been copied then it is sure the content have been copied , the next is comparison of the dates , which is posted later that content is copied .it checks for a fixed length phrases that if it has been copied or not .

              Five websites for Plagiarism checking 

                             I listed few of them , but there are many there ,you just have to copy your content and press the check button.


  1. Nice post, i came across this subject for the very first time

    1. thanks Anil i appreciate that you came here and commented on my post thank you


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