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Make Guest posts for Money Blogging

                            What is Guest Post ???


                                           I am sure the people are going to make this question , then i have to tell you what is guest post , you make a blog on the topic of your own interest , you do it because you love it , you write best content as possible , but it's not enough then you share your posts on the social network , then you come to know about backlinks which can be made by posting your valuable and meaning ,good quality comments on other posts , now making comments here and there everywhere , but people can't understand you in few lines you have to go big right , Guest Blogging is just that it's the way of recognising your self in the front of people , by posting your posts on one of the famous blog a platform ,which already attracts so much traffic in to it , Remember it's a way of advertising , because there you will be mentioned as a Guest writer , only bloggers can do it . Some other Beneficial points are like this -

  1.  You make reputation in front of people by your words written in your posts ,remember the way of writing content is your signature , don't write it just because of the keywords , they comes automatically.
  2. By reading your posts on the famous blog which is already generating a tons of traffic into it , the readers will be impressed and will come to your blog , to read your precious words.Thus results in a huge increase in your traffic too.
  3. Try to impress the owner of the blog too , on whose blog you are writing ,so that he invite you later too.
  4. We waste a lots of time on social media daily , it's the habit of approximately everyone in this world ,so why don't you do like this -"Most of the Big blogs actually pays you from 4 to 5 dollars for every good quality content you make on their blog , most of the time on internet there are the jobs for the bloggers declared for content posting , so if you are a think tank utilize it like this , not wasting time on social media for no benefit , it's must be your fun time while posting a post ".
  5. The owner of the  will give you a dofollow link to your site , and remember because his blog's page rank is high the search engine will crawl it's pages too often and while crawling by following do follow link it will crawl your also . so do follow link will increase your ranking in search engine.
  6. Blogging needs time to be a great success ,remember one day you will invite guest bloggers to post on your blog.remember you are not wasting your time , you are just cutting your time from social media to blogging.
  7. There are several plugins for related posts on the web that you can add on your blog to make busy your reader reading  more posts from your blog and make them please to come again.


                    Use Copyscape check while guest posting

                                     In my next post i will tell you in detail how to use copy scape on the go , but first i have to tell you what it is - You see on the web there are several pages with some content on it ,they are protected by copy right law , and it is illegal to copy their hard made content for your benefit ,the copy means -"exact matching phrases in your posts that is already exists on the web somewhere else " , remember there are several words on the web you can copy it , but phrases (sentences) made of those words matching to some body else web posts should not be found in your any post , there are two consequences of it -
  1. Any search engine doesn't like duplicate content on any webpage on the web the ,symptoms are -search engine can black list your page in that case your page will be not be able to appear in  searches so far.
  2. Any body if running copyscape's  automated features , he will be known about your action and content as soon as you will copy it .
  3. It's obvious that every post is not generated of your mind, but make it in your words , so that you won't be caught, but post some content which is unique that is your thought that makes your blog special.
  4. None of the big blogs accept copied content , your content should be copyscape safe 100%.

               Warning before posting a Guest Post

                                       The blog owner will never tell you this , because you are responsible for your deeds ,the thing is- Google's new Penguin algorithm are penalizing those  who make false looking anchor text for their websites , look at the difference if i make dofollow anchor text in one of my posts by saying earn money online here and my blog is about technology then google will not pardon me , but if i make and dofollow anchor text by saying Technology Eater then it's okay , he will be happy and me too , so if you are a blogger then always try to keep search enginge happy.

                  NOW YOU ALL SET, BEST OF LUCK!

1 comment:

  1. Guest Posting has been a trend in recent years but most of the time I use it for creating quality backlinks for my website; not actually, I intend to earn money through it. Well, obviously the good content pays well and if anyone is up for writing quality blog post then he/she can earn good through guest blogging as well. Good Post though.


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