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Some wearable gadgets that really cares about you and your health

                                Just Wear it    

                                                       If you remember i told you about Google Glass ,now it's the time to tell you about some interesting gadgets which really cares about you and some times help you to live a better life , while Google Glass will take care of some technical stuff ,they will take care of you in biological way and some of them would not do really that but will reduce your daily useless effort ,i mean no need to do some stuff when they can do that for you , so bind your seat belts and look down there -

 LUMO Back :  

                      Created with the effort of LUMO BodyTech , this wearable back band will help reduce your back pain ,it will run your body examination on the go through bio feedback and will send the data to the user to be analyzed with the help of the vibration ,it will tell the user how his/her body structure or body language should be while sitting or walking , so there will be coach with you on the go ,who will teach you how to live your life .

MobiUS SP1:

                     Suppose you are in a urgent need to do ultra sound of your self or some body else what will you do if you are not in urban area and not in the condition to go to the city hospital ???? don't worry it will take care of it . it will take the images of the ultra sound and you can send those images to the hospitals for the further examination .
                                   It have been founded by  Mobisante, a company co-founded in 2009 by former Microsoft emerging technologies manager, Dr. Sailesh Chutani. A new declaration by company is MobiUS TC1 which is compatible with tablets ,while MobiUS SP1 was only compatible with  HIPAA-compliant smartphone.


                   If you feel pain anywhere in your body ,it can help you to resolve with your problem , Yes ,in just one year this company has been awarded for it's success ,the company name is Thimble Bioelectronics, a company founded by Shaun Rahimi in 2012 has grabed first place Innovation Quest   and additionally was finalist at  Wearable Technologies Innovation World Cup this year.

AiQ Smart Clothing:

                      AiQ Smart Clothing has developed some smart clothes for smart people who will take care of them , the thread that used to make these clothes contains sensor ,which will measure heart beat and blood pressure , and will give you all the data to analyze with.

Smart Bra :

                   Just because every year the patients of breast cancer are increasing ,then it's necessary to detect it by time and diagnose it effectively . Smart Bra made by First Warning Systems  got an approval from FDA  and it detect breast cancer more accurately(92.1%) then standard mammogram test (70%).

RFID rings:

                     Have you ever travelled through a metro train ,if yes then you have might go through the MBTA to go to the platform and show the card to the card reader , now there is a solution just marry to that MBTA and say Hey look i am that one whom you have gifted this ring , okay stop joking Sesame Ring has designed these fashionable RFID rings so that you will not be worry to take out the card out of your purse .it has been created by undergraduates at MIT and the Singapore University of Technology and Design.


            Fos  devices fabric patches each containing a high-brightness LED grid and Bluetooth for wireless display of 16-bit graphics.It is 2mm thick, weighs 32 grams and is flexible as typical fabric.It has been developed by Erogear who is a large scale wearable display provider, the company has also provided some APIs to support with android ,IOS and desktops .You can also do some social networking on it . because it supports that too.


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