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How to maintain your laptop's performance

Image courtesy free digital photos

                                                            Today the meaning of work and fun both is you should have laptop with high performance capability, but there are many features which tells us that we have to do something for maintaining the performance of out laptops and computers, if we don’t care about it, then at one point it will stop caring for us, lets have a look some caring tips I have listed below-

  • DVD Player :   In most of the DVD players lens points upward, so in this case the biggest enemy of it is dust, which can deteriorate it’s performance and even can damage it and in some cases lens loading time increases dramatically, it gives reading error many times, to solve this problem you can leave a disk inside it while shutting down your laptop or desktop pc, it will act as a shield and will protect it from dust, but in case if you are not going to use your laptop for several days then at the time when you will start your computer open the door of your dvd player clean the disk and then use it. 

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Right way to charge and use your laptop’s battery

                                       Laptops are the part of our life even i am typing on my laptop at this time, without this it's sure we can't expect our daily life, because we don't want to be sit in a room in front of heavy desktop right?? we want to sit in our garden and work there.
                     We all charge our laptop in our daily life so frequently, many of us careless about it that when battery discharged completely, only then we think about charging our laptops, but things are not that simple there are some points to be remembered at the  time of charging your laptop’s battery, and few points to make your battery live longer-

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                                                     Points to be remembered at the time of charging

  • Don’t disconnect your laptop’s electricity supply at the middle of the charging.
  • Shut down your laptop while plug in for efficient charging.                               


                                         Points to be remembered at the time of using laptop

  • Don’t charge your laptop at extremely hot or moist air conditions, hot air can damage your adapter and  in moist air conditions it takes more time to charge your laptop. 
  • Don’t work at high brightness levels because it will drain your battery very quickly and it will also harm your eyes.
  • If it’s possible, use laptop in cool areas.
  • Change your battery after a certain period, it will reduce the chances of battery leakage problems and little backup time problems of your laptop.
  • Switch off Bluetooth and WiFi  when it is not in use, because it eats battery. 
  • Avoid the use of  external keyboard and mouse because if you use them they, will drain your battery a little earlier from it’s usual time.


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Delhi Railway Station, India is going to become Hi tech

                                     WiFi Systems

                                                                    Yes it's true before applying this wifi system all over india, indian railways has taken decision to start it from delhi, high speed free internet facility is going to be the part of Delhi station, with the cost of 82.23 lakhs indian rupees as a pilot project, now many passengers will be able to use the internet facility for free on the railway station, while for work itself or for fun like social networking, currently it will be launched as a pilot project, then after checking all the technical issues related with it, it will become full service and will spend to many cities, and we hope india will be benefited from it, as almost every kid in india is becoming tech savvy, it will be jackpot for them, because if they will need to travel every day from one city to another this facility will give benefit to them at it's extreme, because now they don't have to cut down their pocket money to recharge with the internet pack.

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How to secure yourself from data theft

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Hi there, today I want to share something of which many of us still unaware, let me ask you have you ever searched your name on google or, there may be lots of information about you on the internet, which can be used against you, this information mainly comes from the forms which you fill on various sites, whether it’s facebook, twitter, linkedin or any other website, if you made it public, sharing information like phone number,email,address,photo of yourself can be dangerous in some conditions, in a case if you do not give your address at any site but still share your mobile number then you also can be founded by using your number from telecom department, I will give you some points about how to secure your self from this situation-

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How to create a video tutorial with wink

                              If you have ever worked for odesk or elance, then you definitely know that it is required to create a video tutorial in some of their projects, yes it's obvious, and you may want to create a video tutorial not for free lancing but also for other reasons, then wink is the best suited software for you to do that, because it has a no of features that you should know about, a clear and easy to understand interface makes it easy to create  a video tutorial with wink, you should have the software on your system, you can download it from, now i will tell you step by process to create a simple video with it -

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How to check your Samsung android phone before buying

                                        If you are going to buy a used Samsung android phone from any seller, you have to check it’s quality first, you see if you sell your Samsung or any company’s phone to a shop then those trained workers will check the quality of your android device, but if you will ask them what is the code to check it , then they will never tell you this ,they always say this is a secret we can’t tell you but the fact is if they will tell you then you will also check the phones that they will sell you later, that’s the secret why they are not telling you ,so don’t worry friends I am here to tell you  in detail – 

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Understanding About Plagiarism

                      Plagiarism Checker Tools

                                            You  know that web is  full of  content there  are  lots of knowledge on the  web that some  people just by study web  materials pass the exam , but it's wrong to copy any  body's content right ???, this copying the  material is  called Plagiarism  and checking that  if  content have  been copied Plagiarism checking , the  tools used  for  this cause  are called plagiarism checker  tools , now  i  have to tell you why  plagiarism is wrong -

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Make Guest posts for Money Blogging

                            What is Guest Post ???


                                           I am sure the people are going to make this question , then i have to tell you what is guest post , you make a blog on the topic of your own interest , you do it because you love it , you write best content as possible , but it's not enough then you share your posts on the social network , then you come to know about backlinks which can be made by posting your valuable and meaning ,good quality comments on other posts , now making comments here and there everywhere , but people can't understand you in few lines you have to go big right , Guest Blogging is just that it's the way of recognising your self in the front of people , by posting your posts on one of the famous blog a platform ,which already attracts so much traffic in to it , Remember it's a way of advertising , because there you will be mentioned as a Guest writer , only bloggers can do it . Some other Beneficial points are like this -
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Few Amazing Wearable Gadgets you should know about

                                                                Technology has passes a long road since the beginning till now , first it was too big , after that it has become smaller and smaller and smaller and now we are holding the small computers in our hands that we  call our lovable buddy, our friends,our companion so called smart phones ,but things are going to change more and more where we will wear a gadget , and some further enhancements like every  instrument of our daily use will become a computer , when we  will need not to sit in front of the computer, after all the technology trends are  following the moore's law which tells us that the technology will be smaller and smaller as the time passes,but for  now lets take a look at some very cool wearable gadgets that you should surely know about -

Recon Jet :

                      The most incredible my favourite Recon jet  has the features like  -

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Understanding Superb Ipv6 features

Those who are using Internet they should know about Ipv4 and Ipv6 our father and grand father at there time were using Ipv4 addresses form few years Ipv6 is in action , after Windows Vista some of us already using Ipv6 , and we still unaware of this ,so what is Ipv6 ??
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Smart Phone Apps for photo lovers

Those who loves to take pics or like the views that are worthy to be portrait are the most creative in this world , photo loving is the way to tell the world how you feel from inside , it tells the way your heart is feeling about any view , photo speaks louder then words , if in any review or story you put photos they just become alive , in the similar way there are many smart phone apps that you can use to show your love for photos -


                     It's an app for fun only for laughing and having fun , it's tagline is "Laugh out loud" , it has hair line guide , it can't record audios ,you can record and share Loop videos with friends , by recording the video ,making it a loop with the help of shown arrows thus making a funny video to make laugh others ,the only things is you can't record audio ,other wise you can record your video with the help of front camera also . many few good apps provide this option .
OS Platform is IOS.

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IRobot Looj and Mirra for cleaning Gutter and Swimming pool

You or your any servant don't have to be dirty while cleaning gutter or swimming pool or gutter , because world famous company iRobot's amazing robots are there to clean your gutter and swimming pool here are they -

1. iRobot Looj 330: It has been made for cleaning the gutters , one of the most challenging work ,that we never do in our life ,but ask somebody to do that , but why to ask any body , when there is a robot who is able to do our task for free , Looj is here to set you loose out of this dirty work the features it includes are -
   Two modes of cleaning -Simple with one button automatically done and one by manually.
   It's all water proof ,with battery safe in a chamber.
   Compact design to fit in any gutter size to clean the gutter.
   It has been designed to be handled with ease .
   Easy to carry design ,with which worker can take it anywhere and climb the ladder also.

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Unstable prices of technologies what to do???

                                               Day By day we experience that when we  bought any gadget at any price few days later it becomes more cheaper , the problem is if we want to sell that product no one will buy that product from us on price greater then it's existing price at that time, it's the biggest problem for the technology geeks like us , this is not the problem this is actually a law from the great mind that i have to tell you now  have you heard about Moore???

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Few Amazing windows applications

There are few Softwares ,which are very useful in our daily work , and without them we can't expect our daily life few of them are listed here , i feel some will be helpful for you-

1.Blue Stack:   It's an computer application that you should use , if you love big screen or you don't have an smart phone , you can still take advantage of this application to enjoy smart phone apps on big screen as playing games ,using whatsapp,and other chatting applications on it .
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Few Amazing and useful Smart phone apps

                        You know we love our smart phones ,tablets ,ipads  just because of the apps installed on it ,there are many apps in the market that you should know that can be useful for you and for your passion , we can use our daily gadgets more effectively if we know what is the best way to use them , but the lack of the knowledge about the right app , we install most of the time wrong apps and later ,problem arrest us for the crime of using wrong apps ,the problems are -

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Few Google Glass apps in the market

                                      Few lines about Google Glass

                                                         Google Glass which has currently fired up the market ,has an eye brow raising configurations , while Google has announced it's official Google Glass apps store till 2014 to arrive in the market , few organizations are already developing apps for the Google Glass and few have launched already , the next generation wearable computing has arrived next to your eyes so what are you waiting for ?? ,here is the specification of Google Glass -


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Touch the table with Microsoft Surface 2.0


                             If you spend a lots of a time working on your office table and you feel you don't want to see a table again in your home ,just wait here is something special for you, the with the hardware supported by samsung and produced by redbull and some other companies The Microsoft has made Microsoft surface 2.0 with picture sense technology it has -

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Few important terms about blogging before you begin

                              What is Blogging???

                             In informal and casual language blogging is a form of expressing ideas in public ,it can be information sharing or educational one ,our ancestors(cave man) used hand painting in the caves to tell the story to others they have gone thousands of years ago but we can still read and appreciate there stories written on the walls of the caves .You can also say that it can be used as a form of internet diary,but it can be customizable that you want to show it to all or not,the word blog is short form of Weblog .The word Weblog was invented by Jorn Barger on 17 December lets see few terms about blogging,but people commonly do it to make money on the internet ,but let me tell you there are few things you should know before starting a blog -

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Guide to How to use Google Drive effectively

                                           If you have less space on your hard drive or don't want to store more data on your hard drive ,then what will you do ??? ,this post is basically a tutorial how to use Google Drive more effectively ,many of us know about Google Drive and other online storage platforms like skydrive ,Drop box but don't know how to use them,as we know Google is giant of them all , So i will start first with Google Drive with my free 15 Gb online space on it, then move to them ,here are some uses of Google Drive :

1. First of all Sign in to Your Google drive associated with your google/gmail account .

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Some wearable gadgets that really cares about you and your health

                                Just Wear it    

                                                       If you remember i told you about Google Glass ,now it's the time to tell you about some interesting gadgets which really cares about you and some times help you to live a better life , while Google Glass will take care of some technical stuff ,they will take care of you in biological way and some of them would not do really that but will reduce your daily useless effort ,i mean no need to do some stuff when they can do that for you , so bind your seat belts and look down there -
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How to Use Pen drive to increase your paging space or RAM size in Windows7

                             What is paging space ???

                                                               I will tell you non technical language what is paging ,because you may be a technical person or not , when you use your computer every moment you running actually a program or software on your computer ,now what is program or software ??? well it is the set of instructions written inside your computer's hard disk which when runs it performs a task ,now usually RAM is that memory space of your computer that store your program's or software's lines of instructions inside it to be run ,so the amount of lines it can copy depends on the size of the RAM , now consider if you want to do anything and for doing you have to take instructions from somebody else , then it would be better you learn as much of the instructions to do that work at once ,to avoid wasting your time returning to instructor right ???, in the similar way the computer works it loads instructions in it's memory to do the work effectively and larger it's memory the better the speed of the work to increase the size of the RAM temporarily ,we use pen drive , so that it can determine and add it's space as it's main memory .


          Here are the steps to do it in windows-
         1.  Open Your computer and right click then click on the properties.

           2. Click on the Advanced System Settings
          3. After opening system properties click advanced tab click on the settings                

      4. In the Performance options dialog click on the advanced select programs and click change       

        5. Select your pen drive and uncheck automatically manage paging file over there
        6. Click custom size and fill initial and maximum size, click set

        7. You can see the size you have just allocated from your pendrive to be set.

        8. Press ok button down there and restart your computer, you are done.

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